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    Animal life of Bangladesh


    The Royal Bengal Tiger

    The majestic Royal Bengal Tiger is the national animal Bangladesh. Highly endangered, the Royal Bengal can now be mostly be found in the Sundarbans.

    One of the largest of the 'big cats', it has extremely bold and striking colour pattern - making it perhaps the most magnificent and sought-after fiery beast of the world!  The vivid pattern of stripes on the glossy skin serves as a very effective camouflage in the grasses and foliage almost in all the seasons.

    The male averages 3 metres in length including 1 meter of tail and wiighs about 180 kg., though much larger speciemens have been lnown.  The giant one is the Siberian tiger, almost 4 metres long and weighing about 300 kg.


    The Chital (spotted deer) is also very common om the forests of the Sundarban. The Chital is perhaps the most beautiful of all deer. Its coat is bright rufous-fawn profusely spotted with white at all ages and all seasons. They are seen in herds of 10-30, which contains 2-3 stags.

    They are seen in grassy forest glades, forest edges, woodland and shaded streams in moist and dry deciduous forests upto 1000 m .

    Average height is 36 in. (90 cm.) and weighs about 190 lb. (85 kg.)

    The bigger deers Sambar and the small barking deer can be found in the wooded hills of the north-east and east.

    The barking deers are small deer of the forests. They are noted for barking like dogs when alarmed and during the breeding season, and for having tiny antlers and tusklike canine teeth.



    Primates  also abound all over Bangladesh, but most abundantly in the Sundarbans and the Hill Tracts.





    The elephant is mostly found in the wild in the Hill Tracts and is also a protected animal.

    Elephant habitat in Bangladesh is confined almost entirely to the forested hills of the east, and even there habitat is giving way to monoculture plantations of teak, rubber, and tea.

    Only 200 350 wild elephants are thought to survive, with herds moving between Bangladesh and neighbouring India. There are 50 domestic elephants.

    source: Virtual Bangladesh



    Birds of Bangladesh


    The Doel or the magpie robin is the national bird of Bangladesh. One of the more familiar birds about towns and villages. Shy, silent and unobtrusive during non-breeding season, then skulking in shrubbery and only uttering plaintive swee-ee and harsh chur-r. Conspicuous during breeding season when male sings lustily from favourite tree-top or post, chiefly early mornings and late afternoons. Song punctuated by upward jerks of white fringed tail. Also very good mimic of other birds' calls. Breeding territories jealously guarded, and intruding males defied with puffing- out, strutting and much show of pugnacity.



    The Shalik (myna) is a very common bird in Bangladesh.

    The common myna is about the size of an American robin. Its colors range from rich wine-brown on the lower breast to deep black on the head, neck, and upper breast. It has a splash of white on the lower edge of its wings, and its bill and legs are a bright yellow. This myna feeds on plants, insects, and worms. It often builds its nest in crevices of buildings. It is a noisy bird that is common about yards and buildings. It is often seen among chickens or perched on the backs of cattle. People have released the common myna into the wild in many tropical Pacific islands, including Hawaii, where the bird is now abundant.

    Talking mynas are sometimes kept as pets. Many imitate the human voice and can talk, sing, and whistle.


    The Machhhranga or the kingfisher is very common in riverine Bangladesh.

    Nine varieties of kingfishers have been recorded here including the brown-winged, white-collard, black-capped and the rare ruddy kingfisher.





    The Kaththokra or the woodpecker can be found in twenty two species in the country, especially in the Sundarbans.

    The red cockaded woodpecker as seen in the picture is becoming rarer and identified as a vulnerable group, which is a classification just under endangered.